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- Awkward Family Photos

The board game Awkward Family Photos, based on the website of the same name that features photographs that should have stayed tucked away in the family album, invites players to ponder the inner lives of the sad specimens depicted on the cards in order to score and win.
On a turn, the active player rolls the die, then moves a pawn around the perimeter of the game board to determine which question to ask about the photo revealed from the top of the deck. Samples questions include "Which celebrity would fit into this shot?" and "What was the last thing someone in this picture said before the photo was taken?" Each other player secretly submits an answer, then the active player reads them aloud and chooses her favorite answer. This player places a token on this photo image on the game board. With four or more players, the active player then guesses who submitted which answers; if correct, she places a token on the game board, too.
The first player to place all five of her tokens on the game board – or to place three tokens in a row – wins!
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