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- You Be The Judge!
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You Be The Judge - The game of Real Life Court Dramas.
You be the Judge contains brief descriptions of 500 court cases from around the world.
Players divide themselves into two teams and take it in turns to decide on the outcome of a court case.
One person from Team A selects a card from the box and reads it out loud to Team B, who then have the opportunity to consult with each other before announcing whether they, the jury, are FOR or AGAINST. If they answer correctly then they advance 0, 1, 2, 3 places round the scoreboard, dependant on the number thrown on a dice. If they answer incorrectly, their turn ends immediately.
Team B now reads a case to Team A, who in turn, deliberate and announce their findings . And so on...
The game ends after one Team has completed a circuit of the board (16 spaces).